The HIV virus cannot be cure but it can be treated. Scientist began to believe that people with the virus were only expected to live on for a few years, however with the development of safe & effective drugs the virus can be treated, HIV positive people now have longer & healthier lives.
The HIV is a virus infects cells of the human immune system and destroys or impairs their function. Infection with this virus results in the progressive deterioration of the immune system, leading to 'immune deficiency'. Our immune systems are essential to protect us from developing infections and cancers. HIV virus also develops resistant to the drugs & multiplies itself with only it resistant components which it not the real virus. This became an major problem, due to the resistant of the drugs by the virus, However studies show that leaving the drugs for about 3months can result for the real virus to multiply & then attacking again the virus, till the virus starts to be resistant to the drugs again, & the same process would be repeated.